Accessible and Clean Energy

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Accessible and Clean Energy

Significantly increase the share of renewable energy in global energy supplies by 2030. Doubling the global rate of energy efficiency progress by 2030.

Istanbul Leather and Leather Products Exporters' Association plans to play an important role in promoting Goal 7 by prioritizing energy efficiency and advocating the use of renewable energy sources in the leather and leather products industry. By adopting sustainable energy practices, IDMIB will contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reducing energy costs and ensuring a more sustainable energy future.

Istanbul Leather and Leather Products Exporters' Association;

  1. Energy efficiency improvements: It will encourage its members to implement energy efficient technologies and practices in their production facilities. This will be through studies that include upgrading equipment and machines to more energy-efficient models, optimizing production processes to minimize energy consumption, and raising employee awareness of energy-saving practices.
  2. Adoption of renewable energy: It will encourage the use of renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power. This will include collaborating with energy providers, government agencies and other stakeholders to facilitate the transition to renewable energy and increase access to sustainable energy options for member companies.
  3. Energy audits and assessments: It will support energy efficiency studies, audits and assessments for member companies to identify areas of energy efficiency improvement. By conducting comprehensive energy audits, companies can identify energy savings opportunities and develop strategies to optimize energy use.
  4. Training and capacity building: It will provide training and capacity building programs to educate its members on energy efficient practices and renewable energy technologies. This may include workshops, seminars and knowledge sharing platforms to disseminate knowledge on energy saving techniques and renewable energy solutions.