Climate Action

Climate Action

Developing training, awareness raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation to climate change, mitigation and early warning.

Istanbul Leather and Leather Products Exporters' Association plans to play a role in supporting Goal 13 by prioritizing climate action and encouraging its members to adopt sustainable practices that reduce the environmental impact of the leather industry. IDMIB will contribute to creating a more climate resilient and sustainable industry by raising awareness on climate change, promoting energy efficiency and supporting initiatives to reduce carbon footprint.

Istanbul Leather and Leather Products Exporters' Association;

  1. Climate awareness and education: It can facilitate climate awareness programs and education initiatives for its members. It will include holding workshops, education sessions and awareness campaigns to educate stakeholders about the risks and impacts of climate change and the role they can play in mitigation and adaptation efforts.
  2. Energy efficiency and renewable energy adoption: It can promote energy efficiency measures and encourage member companies to adopt renewable energy sources. It can include supporting energy efficiency and controls, providing guidance on energy conservation practices, and advocating policies that promote renewable energy in the leather and leather products industry.
  3. Carbon footprint reduction: It can support its members in measuring, monitoring and reducing their carbon footprints. This may include promoting the use of life cycle assessment (LCA) methodologies, identifying opportunities to reduce emissions, and supporting initiatives to offset or reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  4. Collaboration on climate initiatives: Collaborate with other organizations such as NGOs, government agencies and research institutions to develop and implement climate-related initiatives. It can include participating in industry-wide sustainability programs, sharing best practices, and supporting research and development efforts to find innovative solutions for climate change mitigation and adaptation.